- Carol Anne -
Allow me to introduce myself and give you a flavour of my artistic influences.
My name is Carol Anne and I am an artist from the North West of England.
I use art to express my thoughts and passions.
I began my journey and my love of art in childhood, using art to reflect the beauty of the world around me. I was always an observer - watching and sketching.
Unfortunately, my art was also an outlet for all the difficulties I endured in my childhood and my early work was tinged with sadness. Despite my passion for art, I was prevented from going to Art college by my mother and instead, I was forced to leave school early to care for younger sibling.
For a long time, I laid down my paintbrushes, believing that the world of art was now closed to me. However, I came to realise that although I had missed one opportunity, my love for art was still there and I re-embarked on my artistic journey.
I set to work with oils on my first painting, 'My heart the child'. This painting was self counselling, as I could place everything I ever felt as a child into one canvas, disturbing but healing.
Since then, my artistic career has gone from strength to strength - with a successful exhibition at the Manchester Printworks, including work produced for the Harry Potter festival - a huge success. The Northern Soul festival was also a resounding success, with my work appearing on television. After all the obstacles I had overcome, it was so wonderful to have this recognition.
My involvement with the Printworks is ongoing and I also raise money for charity - using my art for good.
Below I have listed some of my successful artistic endeavours, to give a flavour of the work I have produced:
Industrial exhibition,
The Industrial revolution,
I exhibited my work in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. 26th - 28th May 2017.
Industrial Recreation Exhibition 27th - 28th May 2018.
Paralex Art Fair Manchester May 2018.
Il Mulino's solo exhibition in Hebden Bridge for two weeks through out the art festival June - July 2017.
I also do a range of commission work and I have painted extensively, from sceneries to personal portraits, soul artists and many more
Exhibited as part of the Northern Soul festival In Blackpool 2018-2019.
I have also used my passion for art in teaching and I taught at Heywood evening classes for adults 2016 in pastel medium
Since 2018, Exhibit and sell my art at Blackpool Event for Children with Cancer Exhibited in the Rossocinabro Art Gallery in Rome since 2021
Printworks Manchester from 2017 - 2019 and also painting the Printworks as a commission. I also sold work to raise money at the Printworks on behalf of Christie's cancer hospital in Manchester.
I am commissioned to paint the Radcliffe canal walls.